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Minutes October 2018

  • President: Betsy Bates Freed, PsyD
  • President Elect:  Cécile Lyons, PhD
  • Treasurer:  Eric Nelson, PhD
  • Secretary:  Christina Donaldson, PhD
  • LAN Representative: Dean Given, PhD
  • Student Representative: Scott Young
  • Past President: Laura Ciel, PsyD

SBCPA Board Meeting Agenda

October 4th, 2018

President Call to Order: Meeting was called to order at 8:35 am.
Members present: Dr. Betsy Bates Freed, Dr. Karen Lehman, Dr. Eric Nelson, Dr. Laura Ciel, Dr. Kim Taylor, Scott Young, Dr. Angela Vigna, Dr. Cecile Lyons, Dr. Hallie D’Agruma, Dr. Dean Given, Dr. Winifred Lender, Dr. Sandra Kenny, Dr. Christina Donaldson

Approval of Minutes 

     Motion to approve September 2018 minutes: Dr. Cecile Lyons, 2nd: Dr. Laura Ciel.  All approved, none opposed.


New Business

     Disaster preparedness as winter rains arrive (Karen Lehman will present first since she must leave by 8:50 am)

     Update locally - Disaster Relief Committee summary sent to all membership.  County received a grant in March 2018 from FEMA and SAMSA - CA Hope intervention teams have a team of 20 para professionals - with 2 licensed supervisors. They’re working within the community going onsite to many locations.  Grant was extended to April 2019, which will cover any upcoming disasters.

     Increase frequency of meeting to every other week due to upcoming rain season. Rob Lewin, director of Office of Emergency, was present at Community Wellness Team meeting and is concerned about the upcoming rainy season.

     Helped create a PSA to assist in messaging to the community.  We are able to help with the language that goes out to the community to help decrease confusion.  Ensure trust with community,  Engage with the media and provide support to our community as well as provide support to the media covering the local disasters.

     Disaster Response Annual Meeting in San Francisco - only 8-10 counties were represented.  Dr. Lehman did a presentation at the meeting about how Santa Barbara responded to the disasters. 

      Head of DRN (from LA) - Desire to engage the various county organizations to mobilize in disaster.  Our county is ahead in collaboration with county and mental health providers. 

     Needs for the upcoming season: All mental health providers are ready to go in the time of crisis. That is pretty well staffed.   Stress and support levels can be high for the first responders (fatigue) - that need is still high.  We will have repeated crises; note that ours is not a normal process (that is where fatigue can set in).  Since some of us are directly affected by being in the evacuation zone it is important for us to have backups.  Interest wanes after initial crisis.

     If each psychologist can offer 1 hour a week pro bono then it would be beneficial. Need an accurate list of providers. 

     To do that monthly so the list is accurate.

     Discussed the potential of pro bono groups for those impacted by the disasters if our members are unable to offer a lot of pro bono individual sessions.

     Survey for First Responders went out, and we need more support for them within our community.

     Possible CE trainings for trauma.  TF-CBT (Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) is shown to be the most effective in dealing with this type of trauma. Karen to speak with Sandra to schedule CE workshops on trauma trainings.

     Some of Montecito residents are unable to afford support. Outreach is available to the undocumented immigrants who are Spanish speaking.

     Will send out Community Wellness  minutes to membership.

Old Business

     Carr Winery event: invitation, details

     Invitation was sent out a couple of days ago.  Friday October 12th

     Student outreach - Scott to get in touch with Antioch, Pacifica, UCSB students to invite them to the event.

     Part of licensure requirement is to get students involved with the psychological community.

     How to designate members vs new member vs board members

     Name tags

     Membership usually has a table, board members act as ambassadors,  Dr. Eric Nelson will give out a print out of rates to Dr. Hallie D’Agruma and help with membership sign up.

     Dr .Eric Nelson to coordinate and bring tablet to Dr. Hallie D’Agruma.

     Brochure update. Local designer Grayson Hittle is completing the design.

     He will have a draft to us in a week to two weeks.  We should have brochures at next meeting. 

     How many brochures we need to print? Dr. Kim Taylor suggested 1000.  Printing cost is extra and outside the $200.  Dr. Betsy Bates Freed will check in with Dr. Eric Nelson on printing costs prior to printing.  Committee of brochures is: Betsy Bates Freed, Kim Taylor, and Cecile Lyons.

     Suicide prevention CE workshop proposal. Sacramento Valley Psych Association has been able to get sponsorship for their upcoming workshops. An idea for us?

     Betsy to send out link from Sacramento Psych Association on their workshop.

     CE Committee to possibly look for sponsors.  Ask Diana to look for sponsors.

     CE to check on Paul Erickson

     Update on slate of officers to be nominated

     Get interest and then it wanes when it comes to asking SBCPA members if they are willing to be nominated for SBCPA board members.

     Megan Donahue agreed to be nominated for president-elect in 2019.

     Anahita Holden agreed to be nominated for the Membership Chair in 2019.  She is taking her final license exam and should be licensed by December.

     Jordan Witt agreed to nominated for the Media Chair.

     Positions still open for nominations: LAN and CE Chair.

     Carr Winery sign up sheet

     Committee sign up - follow up is crucial. This will help having a ready supply for leaders for the board.

President’s Report

     No report

President-Elect’s Report

Update on Board meeting location options for January to April 2019

        This location will start renovation in January and will potentially impact our meeting.  There is a new owner and it makes us being able to use the current location questionable.

        American Rivera can accommodate us on any days, but the room may not be large enough.  They have a standing meeting on Thursdays, which causes confusion.

        Parker foundation will accommodate non-profits but it is not guaranteed that we will be able to use space.  Will they be charging?  All this is uncertain.

        Dr. Betsy Bates Freed suggests looking for a new location.

        Dr. Eric Nelson to look at Westmont Downtown location for availability.

        Dr. Sandra Kenny to ask Antioch about hosting our monthly meetings.

        Dr. Winifred Lender past out a list of location options.  If board member has ideas please contact Winifred.  Winifred to send out a poll about location spots and days to meet.

Past President’s Report

     No report

Treasurer’s Report

     Budget update - $12,000 in account.  Membership drive coming.

Secretary’s Report

     Posting clarifications - went over the procedure of how to handle multiple postings.  Needs to be a member that asks for posting.

     Individuals can contact James about posting on the website for a fee if they are not a member.

Student Representative’s Report

     No report

Continuing Education Committee’s Report

     Upcoming topics and dates

     Don MacMannis Oct 26 (at his house) - Needs to be approved by CPA

     Penny Clemens  - need date confirmation

     Debra Foster - to present in the spring

     Dr. Erikson - following up

     Need presenter Jan, Feb, March

     Check in with Karen to see if she would present ASAP - before holiday

     Location updates - to talk with Dean about using his house.

Website Committee’s Report

     No report

Media & Public Relations Committee Report

     Press release: preparation for rains and potential retraumatization - got a hit from News Press, both David and Betsy responded.

Membership Committee Report

            Carr Winery event 10/12


Local Advocacy Network Committee Report

     Trying to meet with Monique Limon to have a meet and greet.

Social Committee Report

            Holiday Party: location confirmed for 12/7

     August’s place was visited and confirmed.  Should start party earlier (5pm ) to take advantage of views.  Has a trellis so if it is a rainy day, it may pose as an issue. 

     Save the date cards to be at Carr event.


Ethics Committee Report

     No report

Disaster Response Committee Report

            Update from Karen Lehman from local, regional, state disaster teams - done at the beginning of meeting.

Meeting Adjournment at 9:45AM

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