President: Betsy Bates Freed, PsyD
President Elect: Cécile Lyons, PhD
Treasurer: Eric Nelson, PhD
Secretary: Christina Donaldson, PhD
Student Representative: Scott Young, MA
LAN Representative: Dean Given, Ph.D.
Past President: Laura Ciel, PsyD
SBCPA Board Meeting Agenda
January 4, 2018, 8:30 – 9:45 AM
Attendance: Betsy Bates Freed, PsyD, Laura Ciel, PsyD, Hallie D’Agruma, Ph.D., David Botsford, PsyD., Sandra Kenny, PhD, Scott Young, Dean Given, Ph.D., Christina Donaldson, Ph.D., Kim Taylor, PhD.
President Call to Order
Approval of Minutes
December 2017 Minutes: President moved, past-president second, no discussion, Approved.
President’s Report
Approval of 2018 Committee Chairs: Past president moved, LAN Representative seconded, no discussion, Approved.
Ethics: Kim Taylor, PsyD
Membership: Hallie D’Agruma, Ph.D.
Continuing Education: Sandra Kenny, PhD
Social: Ashley Ribeiro, PsyD
Media/Community Relations: David Botsford, PsyD
Disaster Preparedness: Megan Donahue, PhD
Website: James Fortman, PsyD
Board Retreat details: Jan 20, 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. at the board president’s home
Strategy session
Setting of the 2018 calendar of events
Meeting dates, 2018
Meetings are held every 1st Thursday
Skipping July 5,
meeting in August as usual
Looking for a Co-Chair for Social Committee
Installation dinner
Wednesday, Jan. 24, 5:30-8:30pm University Club – date set due to availability
5:30-6:30pm cocktail hour
6:30pm – dinner
7:30pm – introduce new board
wrap up at 8:30pm.
Social committee to set details, menu (<$80/person)
Raffle basket assignments – President has a basket to donate, looking for donations. Everyone on the board is to help contribute to raffle baskets. Secreatry to set up a shared Google doc to help coordinate raffle items.
Music – Membership, LAN Representative and Secretary will contact local musicians to find out costs, connect with Treasurer to find out budget, and include social chair on conversation.
Photography – Student representative will ask a collegue about being photographer, check with Treasurer about budget, and include Social Chair.
Sound system – Social Chair to find out sound system capability
Picture board for board members that cannot be present for the dinner.
Membership and Secretary to send out a Save the Date for Installation dinner.
Website Chair to set up RSVP for Installation dinner.
President-Elect’s Report
Not present
Past President’s Report
Handed over cc to current president
Will contact Website Chair to uplaod new board.
Will get in contact with Megan Donahue to confirm results. Deferred to next meeting.
Treasurer’s Report
Not present
Current balance in accounts: $17,500
Secretary’s Report
Past secretary to post last year’s minutes to webiste.
Megan and Christina will be meeting this weekend to train Christina on secretarial duties.
Student Representative’s Report
Will meet with past Student Representative.
No report at the time
Continuing Education Committee’s Report
Keely Kolmes - June 9th, 2018, 9am to 5pm - cancellation fees of $600 two months prior the event. Event is being tentatively held at Falkner Library.
Need to get out advertising for the event.
Will talk to Treasurer about paying the deposit for library.
Heidi Zetzer, PhD, Emily Maynard, PhD, Salvador Trevino, PhD - February 3, 2018 - 6 hours (not confirmed yet) – looking for us to Co-Sponsor event.
Salud Completa - Behavioral Health (St. George Youth Center) in Isla Vista, CA - free location for approx. 30 participants (parking issue?)
Also looking for another location that may not have parking issues.
Looking for Salon dates – discuss dates at Board retreat
Salon’s to be held at LAN Representative’s house.
Website Committee’s Report – (not present)
Both Karen Lehman (outgoing Web Chair) and James Fortman (incoming Web Chair) - are unable to attend - but recommend that current Board is aware of the following
Make sure all Board Members/Committee Chairs who need access to website, have access.
Which Board Members need website training – Secretary, Membership, and President.
President, Membership, and Secretary all need website training.
Do training at Board retreat – will confirm.
Membership Chair and Website Chair should meet to discuss final details of 2018 membership drive, including date for which non-renewed members become “lapsed” and removed from lists-serv - and program the text of these auto emails from website
Could Megan complete formatting revisions on website, please (Megan not present to discuss)
Karen and James hope to meet soon so that James is ready to go
Email Karen and James jointly, anything related to website that needs attention
Media & Public Relations Committee Report
Pilot videos: Mind Matters (community education/information videos: Facebook, website)
Videos completed about educational issues that will be posted on website and FB
Topics: Social Media How to Set Limits; Managing Political Angst
People that want to do videos need to submit topic first to the Media Committee, once that has been approved then the video itself has to be
Press release: Once election results have been confirmed, Board and committee chairs will be posted on website.
Membership Committee Report
Associates 35% renewal
Grad Students 29% renewal
Licensed 66% renewal
Newly Licensed 57% renewal
Local Advocacy Network Committee Report
March leadership council in Sacramento
Social Committee Report
Chair person not present
Ethics Committee Report
No report
Disaster Committee Report
SBCPA is coordinating a CE training with Santa Barbara Response Network
Chair is seeking committee members with disaster response experience for flexible commitment when disaster responses needed
Next meeting February 1, 2018 @ 8:30pm
Meeting Adjournment at 9:45AM