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Minutes March 2018

  • President: Betsy Bates Freed, PsyD
  • President Elect:  Cécile Lyons, PhD
  • Treasurer:  Eric Nelson, PhD
  • Secretary:  Christina Donaldson, PhD
  • LAN Representative: Dean Given, PhD
  • Student Representative: Scott Young
  • Past President: Laura Ciel, PsyD

SBCPA Board Meeting Agenda

March 1, 2018, 8:30 – 9:45 AM

Attendance: Dr. Betsy Bates Freed, Dr. Eric Nelson, Dr. Laura Ciel, Dr. Kim Taylor, Dr. Dean Given, Dr. Sandra Kenny, Scott Young, Dr. Hallie D’Agruma, Dr. Cecile Lyons, Dr. Angela Vigna, Dr. Christina Donaldson

President Call to Order: Dr. Betsy Bates Freed called the meeting to order a

Approval of Minutes: Before Dr. Freed called for an approval of the February minutes, she noted a correction that needed to be made.  Brooke Sears, mentioned in the disaster response, is a post-doc, rather than a student. She is a psych assistant.  

Dr. Betsy Bates Freed called for a motion to approve the minutes.  Dr. Eric Nelson motioned to approve the minutes. Scott Young seconded the motion.  Motion passed and the minutes were approved.

President’s Report

  • The President deferred to the Treasurer, Dr. Eric Nelson. who needed to leave the meeting early.  President to provide report after Treasurer's report.

  • Marketing/Brochure - Dr. Bates Freed speaking to members about helping with design.   Dr. Taylor suggested that a committee should be formed to help with the writing.

  • Addresses and names for those that donated prizes for Installation dinner - Dr. Bates Freed asked board members that got prizes to send the names and addresses to her and she will take it from there.

  • Fundraiser to those affected by mudslides - thoughts on that go to new business.

  • Membership poll results on those affected by mudslide (60 responses):

    • 63% were impacted ( 1 person’s home/office suffered damage)

    • 36% were in evacuation zones for one or more event

    • 26% were impacted by friends/colleagues losses but not evacuated

    • 37% were not directly impacted (other than as a community)

    • 37% participated in disaster response efforts

    • 91% people reported that these events impacted their clients, students, etc

      • 45% clients/students had been traumatized and required more sessions.

      • 25% had to schedule more sessions and work longer hours

      • 32% had taken on new clients that were traumatized

      • 58% lost time at work

    • 71% experienced an increase in hypervigilance, sleep disturbances, difficulty concentrating, etc as a result of working with traumatized clients

      • Provided more than 40 hrs of support to schools

      • Aware of vicarious trauma related to deaths and trauma

      • Coping with the surreal dislocated elements

      • Many patients were evacuated and cancelled

      • Antioch was closed and impacted the flow of the break and the quarter

    • 38% Interested in joining with other psychologists to debrief the events (21 people out of 60).

      • One time or weekly sessions or both.

    • 65% not interested in joining or processing with other psychologists.

President-Elect’s Report

  • No report

Past President’s Report

  • No report

Treasurer’s Report

  • Passed around Budget sheet for 2018 - financial numbers were based on the past two years.  Dr. Nelson acknowledged that the budget for the past two years has been very different due to not having a large CE event last year and there were differences in advertising last year as well.

  • Purpose of the conversation: to ensure knowledge of where our money is going to and that our money is going in the direction in accordance to membership and SBCPA values.

  • Walked through different categories (fiscal year starts July 1, 2018).  If numbers are too high or too low, discussions to follow to correct project budget expenses.

    • Revenue

      • Membership Dues - membership prices

      • Social - primarily from the installation dinner, as well as any other revenue received from a social event (i.e wine event if people have to pay in advance to attend)

      • Continuing Education - anticipated $6,000 and that would be primarily coming from our large CE event (which we did not have last year).

      • Advertising - Most likely will be a small revenue stream.  Last year was zero. It may increase as we move forward. It seems that more people are interested in advertising through SBCPA.

    • Expenses - *indicates that these are based on pure cost and not included the revenue.

      • Membership- is about $1800/year.  The expenses for membership are usually the breakfasts.  Dr. Lyons noted that last year we did 6 breakfasts. Dr. D’Agruma stated that we are having 4 breakfasts this year.

      • Social - we spent $4500/year bulk of it goes to Installation Dinner ($3500/yr).  Also have the Holiday Party - which we did not do last year. We substituted the Carr winery event for the Holiday Party.  Other category is the Miscellaneous events.

        • When we add another social event sometime the organization pays for the and sometimes the members pay for a large portion of it.  This is something to keep in mind. This makes Social more complicated.

        • Dr. Lyons - reminded board that the event that was substituted for the Social event was a Membership Event - a wine event (but not the Carr Winery event) - so it was part Social and part Membership.

  • Continuing ED - what we anticipate when we do put on a large CE event.  It can be a good source of revenue if we get a lot of people come to the event. The revenue of $6000 is conservative - since we are using these figure to project where we are going. Suggestion is to track over the next couple of years to see what actual revenue is and if we have more left over then it can be used as a “cushion” for the next CE event.

    • Majority of the costs are:

      • Refreshments - wine, cheese, and crackers for the salon events

      • Speaker fee - roughly is about $3000 (this upcoming speake) plus travel which is about $500-$600

      • Room reservations - lodging in town - $100-$200

      • Miscellaneous costs - $1000 to rent out the space

  • Marketing -

    • CE Event - Dr. Taylor suggested that part of what needs to be budgeted under Marketing is to advertise for the 6 CE event. The more we advertise the more we can get people into our event.  It is a big revenue stream and part of why it was cancelled last time was because there were not enough people that signed up for the event. Dr. Eric Nelson agreed.

    • Advertising and Marketing - previous years we did not have a budget for advertising and marketing. Last year spent $2000.  This is separate from CE event, it's more about advertising for our organization/profession. Part of what to discuss is do we want to allocate more to advertising.

  • Government Affairs - Related to the annual conference and travel expenses, etc. Dr. Bates Freed, Dr. Given, and a student (hopefully)  will attend. Scott Young had sent an email to Dr. Given with a potential student that is interested in attending.

    • Room block has expired for Sacramento event - costs more for a student to go.  Costs tend to go up and both Dr. Given and Dr. Bates Freed believed the projected costs of Government Affairs is too low.  Dr. Given suggested putting together different numbers for the expenses in the Government Affairs category.

    • Dr. Given suggested that we be clear about the expenses of Government Affairs for its a big cost and there is no revenue.  It is really deciding what are the values of the association. Dr. Bates Freed asked Dr. Given to put together a more realistic number for this category and bring it to the next meeting.  Dr. Given agreed.

  • Emergency Fund - used for Natural Disaster or additional programming.

  • Board Meeting - renting out space if needed for retreat, refreshments.

  • General Operations and Expenses - large part of our budget.  This is a number that keeps climbing.

    • Bookkeeping fees - gone up

    • Insurance - gone up

    • Merchant processing fees - what paypal takes out every transaction, include Wild Apricot (our hosting)

    • CPA fees - need to check on this

      • We cover student representative in the past

      • Number seems high - $290

      • Might be part of the right to host a CE event

    • Other random fees

    • Telephone, Telecommunications - IPad at events to take cc transaction

  • Current balance - $21,000 in our account (high point - due to membership just finishing and installation dinner)

    • We have not brought in a lot of income to our CE event (could bring us to $25,000 roughly).  We have a $5000 cushion.

    • This years’ budget covers next Installation Dinner.

  • Posed question - Are these numbers resembling the values of our members? Do we need to make any changes?

    • Scott - budget for coffee hours with student membership.  Dr. Bates Freed recommended a new category for the student representative.  Scott to send Dr. Nelson a rough estimate.

    • Dr.Given - conference costs for two is $2025 add a student it will be another $1000 - $1200.  Do we have a student come since it will increase costs. Wanted to clarify that number is extremely low.  Dr. Betsy Bates Freed suggested that it will be year dependent - if we have a good CE event then we can afford to include a student, if its a thin year and we don’t have a big CE event then maybe it should be one person from our organization.  Dr. Given made a strong argument for sending a student representative for students tend to get the letters going so it’s a better return for our investment. Dr. Taylor suggested that it needs to be a driven student that attends.

    • Dr. Lyons - reducing costs make sure we are prioritizing as a whole organization and everyone to be present.  

    • Dr Bates Freed suggested that we move this discussion to New Business for today - discussion is a global issue of values and how we want to set next year’s budget.  The student attending the conference is an important decision and needs to be voted upon.

    • Dr. D’Agruma - asked if there was a discussion about brochures for membership recruitment materials.  Dr. Bates Freed - lapses into her issue on the brochure and is in her report as well as on the agenda to vote on.  Helpful to have a brochure/postcard for events - to be discussed in New Business.

    • Membership Values - from survey:

      • Membership was interested in educating the public about differences between Psychologists and other MFT, Psychiatrists, etc. - which would be part of the brochure.  

      • Like social events

      • Liked having us more in the community

      • More business guidance

  • Money for Survey Monkey - maybe in the future.  Dr. Ciel brought up Google Doc. Dr. Taylor stated it’s free and easier.

  • Next goal for Treasurer is to have an online platform.

Secretary’s Report

  • Board member email addresses - received emails of current board members as well as the new Social Chair - Dr. Angela Vigna

Student Representative’s Report

  • Identified and communicated with UCSB student advocacy rep

  • Sent intro email to grad students

  • Sent renewal reminder email to lapsed grad students

  • Met with membership chair and student volunteer re: membership efforts for 2018

    • Coffee hours

    • Mentor/mentee program - new business

    • Psych assistantships - new business

    • Possible survey of lapsed members - new business item

    • Possible survey of non-traditional members/potential members

Continuing Education Committee’s Report

  • Next Friday salon event with Dr. James Broderick on new assessments and new approaches to Psychological diagnosis at Dr. Given’s house - accepted by CPA.

  • Push Digital Ethics CE event - only 12 people signed up

  • Future salon events in process

Website Committee’s Report

  • No report

Media & Public Relations Committee Report

  • Press release for the board

Membership Committee Report

  • Membership current registrations - 145 members

  • Emailed lapsed - one last opportunity before taking them off email

  • Met w/ Student Rep to plan efforts to recruit new student members - how to work together (to be discussed in new business)

  • Created Recruitment email that will be developed into recruitment materials as well as with targeted marketing materials for research psychologists (possibility of presenting their work to membership?)

  • Launched online registration for networking breakfasts - inviting outside community members

  • Mentoring program ideas-individual mentoring and coffee talks for student members

  • Psych Assistantships - Dr. Bates Freed stated BOP is in the middle of changing requirements so everyone is a psych assistant pre-licensure/post-doc, so we are waiting to see what changes are made from the CA Board.

  • Need to get credit card for breakfasts - in the bank’s hands.  Dr. Bates Freed stated that there were some issues in getting the bank to release credit card.  

Local Advocacy Network Committee Report

  • Dr. Given - Not to exceed $3000 for the conference.  Put in new business for a motion,

Social Committee Report

  • Welcome new Social Chair - Dr. Angela Vigna

  • Dates for 2019 Installation dinner - Left message for University Club contact (Tuesday evening or Sunday brunch).  Need to consider budget.

  • Secured Carr Winery for October membership party- can be public so they don’t charge.  Dr. Bates Freed suggested for them to to check their records for it will be the same.

  • Dr. Mac offered FTI for Christmas party.  Dr. Bates Freed wrote a letter to membership requesting space. Depending on weather we may need heat lamps if part of the party is outside. Confirm date (preference is Dec. 7th).  Dr. Vigna to ask Don can we accommodate 60 people and would a Friday evening be ok. What if it rains?

Ethics Committee Report

  • No report

Disaster Response Committee Report

  • Megan and Karen are unable to attend, Dr. Bates Freed reported

  • DRT met on 2/24/18, and created the following actionable “to do” items:

    • 3/16/18 - Lotusland CEO meeting with DRT members.  

    • 3/24/18 - Megan coordinating community support meeting with local architects -- they are organizing an informational and supportive get together with residents who lost homes in the Tea and Jesusita Fires to support those with lost or damaged homes from 1/9 Debris Flow

    • Our subcommittee will be organizing skills-based Community Resiliency Groups in the upcoming months.  At the 2/26/18 County Community Wellness Team meeting, members recommended that we target those who have lost or damaged homes

  • Update on our activities since board retreat -

  • Update/summary from the Community Wellness Team Mtg that Karen attended on 2/26/18 - (perhaps just the highlighted sections?) -

  • Making sure everyone is aware of the current evacuation terminology and status -- county plans to make final update on Thursday morning - it may stay at level 2 (recommended) or move to level 3 (mandatory) - but keep in mind that the new terminology really means that anyone in yellow or red zone should evacuate

  • As of Wednesday evening - the county update is that the heaviest rain is due between midnight Thursday and 6am Friday (this may change by Thursday morning). If the 101 closes, it will hopefully be after evacuees have time to leave, and will likely be close to the midnight time.

  • Future item - the DRT has been invited to present at Cottage Hospital Grand Rounds on June 9th.  We would like to coordinate CE’s with the Salon Committee for this event


Budget Allocations for 2018


Veterinarian/Psychologist connection, support

  • Dr. Botsford reported 2 suicided in the past month  - going to speak to the Veterinarian Society.

Job Descriptions & Procedures -

  • Dr. Lyons is working on this and it will become a topic in the future

Student to go to Sacramento

  • Dr. Given stated our lobbying in Sacramento is weak compared to other organizations in mental health.  He suggested that it is an important thing for our organization to advocate for our profession. Dr Given motioned that funds be allocated not to exceed $3000 for 2 members and a student representative attend the meeting in Sacramento - Dr. Lyons seconded the motion.  Called to a vote - All in favor none opposed. Motion passed.


  • Dr. Bates Freed suggested that we allocate not to exceed $300 funds to direct advertising that we hand to people (brochures).  Dr. Taylor - suggested that we do more research. Motion tabled for next meeting. Dr. Taylor and Dr. Ciel to help Dr. Bates Freed with research.

Policies and Procedures

Continuing Education -

  • Promotional partner to Hospice Event March 22nd- it’s free to be a promotional partner  

    • Dr. Taylor moved that we become a promotional partner to the SB Hospice March 22nd event, Dr. Donaldson seconded the motion.  Vote - all in favor, none opposed. Motion passed.

    • Money to be allocated for advertising for June CE event - Dr. Kenny to speak with past CE chairperson.

      • Cecil motioned to allocate funds not to exceed $1000 to advertise in professionally related markets, Dr. Given second motion.  Vote- all approved, none opposed

Fundraiser for mudslide -

  • Dr. Donaldson suggested we table discussion until next meeting since we are under a evacuation watch at the moment.  Dr. Bates Freed agreed. No objections.

Meeting Adjournment at 9:45AM

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