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Minutes April 2019

President: Winifred Lender, Ph.D.

President Elect:  Megan Donahue, PhD

Treasurer:  Eric Nelson, PhD

Secretary:  Christina Donaldson, PhD

LAN Representative: Juliet Rohde-Brown, PhD

Student Representative: Scott Young

  Past President: Betsy Bates Freed, PsyD

SBCPA Board Meeting Minutes

April 11th, 2019

Attendance: Dr.’s Kimberley Taylor, Winifred Lender, Eric Nelson, Christina Donaldson, Meghan Donahue, Betsy Bates-Freed, and student representative Scott Young.  Phone: Dr.’s Juliet Rhodes-Brown, Asha Wilkinson.

Motion: Kim Taylor motioned to approve Feb minutes, Scott Young approved. February minutes approved. 

Kim Taylor motioned to approve March minutes, Eric Nelson seconded, March min approved.

New Business

     Approval of February Minutes - see above

     Approval of March Minutes - see above

     Cottage Grand Rounds Presenter for May 8, 2019 - Cottage is asking for recommendations from SBCPA.

Old Business

     Brochure. Design and content review. Betsy Bates Freed will relay choices/recommendations to Design Spinners. Budget for printing.

President’s Report

     Update on Cottage Health Fair (May 4)

     All scheduled.  We will be staffing the booth.  Karen Lehman, Jordan Witt, Betsy Bates-Freed, and Winifred Lender to help staff.

     Update on Lotus Land Garden Wellness Project - waiting to hear back about a meeting.

     Discussion of Special Interest Groups - do we have special interest group?  There have been some in the past, Ventura has special interest groups.  Members meet once a month, a member acts as the leader to coordinate group meetings.

     Winifred is going to send out a survey to the members to see who would be interested: what type of groups, who would be moderators. Being clear on that we are exploring.  Have suggestions of groups other chapters have done plus a fill in option.

     Ventura Chapter connection/reduced rates for CE workshops

     In the future maybe have a CE event combined with social options.

     Need a presentation for Cottage Ground Rounds for May 8th. - reach out to members: Don MacMannis, Hallie D’Agruma - to get the person who is presenting on the connection between Gut Health and Mental Health.

President-Elect’s Report

     Finalizing subcommittee for SBCPA Website redesign and plan for initial meeting in next month.

     Megan to reach out

Past President’s Report

     General color pattern-

     Green -

     Orange/peach -

     Where is the content placed - too much, too little, where it is placed,

     Reword the word comfort, for it is associated with family and friends - too intimate.  We need to consider a different word to describe support/comfort.  Change to Understand.  The order is changed to: We Educate, We Enlighten, We Inspire, We Understand, We are Doctors of Psychology.

     Content of the photos - diversity of photos

     Exclude phone number - there is nothing at that phone number listed, it is a google number.

     Make the first page clear as to where to go on the website to obtain information

     We need the ownership of files - from the company that is helping with the brochure.

     Company that is helping us with the brochure has lowered the rate in hopes that they can help with website

     Review brochure and give thoughts to Betsy by: April 19th

     Estimated time of Printing is 2-3 days.

     Winifred is going to email board members to ensure they are able to look at the brochure and offer feedback.

Treasurer’s Report

     Budget update - $16,000, looking good it is where we typically are during this time.

     SBCPA Brochure - $100 donation by Betsy

     Kim Taylor motioned to repay Dr. Betsy Bates Freed for her donation, Meghan Donahue seconded.  All approved.

     Christina Donaldson motioned for $400 for printing costs, Kim Taylor seconded, all approve.

     Printing costs - about $300

     1500 for $282

     Print Runner - 2000 for $292

     Separate printing costs from design costs.

     Grant update - still in process

     General direction where it should be going.  No restrictions as of yet.  Asked up for $10,000

Secretary’s Report

     60-70% are opening Happenings

     Educate certain board members about limits and time frame of when to request to add material to Newsletter (Saturday by midnight)

Student Representative’s Report

     Nothing to report

Continuing Education Committee’s Report

     April 12 Salon, May salon, approved...awaiting June’s proposal to submit, all other approved, with exception of Nov, which is under review-delayed due to CPA convention

Proposal for Sept 15 (SUNDAY) 6 unit CE program on Suicide Assessment and Invention

            Sunday is not the best day, but if it was going to be free and parking.  Other option is to have it at a school.  Send out a poll to membership and ask them to vote on Sunday vs Saturday.  Lunch pre-paid or lunch on your own.

            Places to look into: Marjorie Luke ?  Private schools - Cate, Laguna Blanca?

-will contact Gina and Jewish Federation for collaboration

-to be held at Jewish Federation

-collaboration will involve free use of space

-will offer a reduced fee to students

-will negotiate rate based on attendees with Glendon

Website Committee’s Report


Media & Public Relations Committee Report


Membership Committee Report - Asha on this phone

     Tasks Accomplished

     Successfully matched mentees with mentors for the mentorship program.  It went smoothly.

     There were 2 mentees looking for mentors.

     Asha did a fantastic job organizing and leading the first breakfast (Asha will provide update).

     10 people attended including Anahita and Asha.

     People were able to speak more at length and connect with other members and exchange information.

     Re-vitalize what networking can mean for the breakfast.

     Next breakfast is in May (?) at Lilac Patisserie.

     Try and reach out to students that may not be members to help demonstrate the benefits of being a member to help with dissertation an internship/practicum placements.

     Drafted wording of membership flier, received revisions from membership committee on wording, am in communication with Betsy about the visual layout to match brochure.

     Tasks To Do

     Collaborate with Betsy to make flier aesthetically match brochure - working on wording as well as visual so it is consistent with other SBCPA  fliers.

     Finalize flier and print

     Will meet with membership committee in May to make plan for flier dissemination

     Start promoting June breakfast, use revised wording idea that Asha suggested (she will explain)

Local Advocacy Network Committee Report

Here is the LAN report and happenings with additional contributions from Winifred Lender and Dean GIven:

Overview of Leadership and Advocacy Day and Lobby Day

March 17- March 18, 2019

Sacramento, CA :


Leadership and Advocacy Day – March 17, 2019


By Winifred Lender, Ph.D., SBCPA President


Over sixty LAN Representatives, Division Chairs, and Chapter Presidents of local California psychological associations attended the Leadership and Advocacy Conference at the Citizen’s Hotel in Sacramento on March 17th. The meeting began with a welcome from the President of the California Psychological Association, Daniel Rockers, Ph.D., and CPA staff. During this overview we learned that California has around 20,000 licensed psychologists, more than in any state, and twenty local psychological association chapters. Although we have a large number of psychologists, only a small proportion, around 2,000, are members of CPA, and even fewer donate to CPA advocacy projects. The presentation focused on the advocacy work that CPA does to protect psychologists and advocate for the mental health of citizens in our state.


Throughout the day attendees had an opportunity to share best practices with other attendees, learning what other chapters are doing. We enjoyed hearing from large associations and smaller ones about their ongoing events and initiatives. In the afternoon, there was a workshop on how to frame a persuasive message for the Lobby Day activities that would occur the next day. This workshop was interactive and very useful. The day ended at 5pm and we left feeling as though we had learned a great deal. We feel excited about bringing back to our Association what we learned from the presenters and the other attendees.


Lobby Day – March 18, 2019


By Juliet Rohde Brown, SBCPA LAN Representative


We had a fruitful time in Sacramento on March 18th which was reserved for Lobby Day. We began the day with some training on the expected protocol for our meetings with representatives. This was followed by a discussion of important points about the three main bills the CPA chose to focus on for our lobbying visit to the Capitol


The bills chosen were

 1) SB66 (Atkins) which would allow for same-day

billing for Medi-Cal rather than two separate visits for physical and mental health needs

2) SB11 (Beall) Mental Health Parity enforcement via annual reports from insurance companies.

3) AB 1601 (Ramos) such that a permanent position could be established whereby, in the case of declared states of emergency, coordination of mental health services could efficiently take place under the umbrella of Mental Health/Office of Emergency Services.

Before lunch we were divided up into regional groups. Santa Barbara and Ventura were linked for our region and I joined five others from the VCPA chapter as we walked the few blocks to the Capitol building and spent the rest of the day lobbying for the three bills.

We had the pleasure of meeting with Assembly Members Monique Limon and Jacqui Irwin and their staffers, Israel Landa and Lucy Saldivar. We met with Assembly Member, Christy Smith’s staffer, Annie Chou, as well. We also had the good fortune of meeting with Senator Hannah Beth-Jackson and her staffer, Fernando Ramirez. All were very welcoming and resonant with the focus of our lobbying. In between lobbying meetings, our group had a chance to sit in the Assembly Gallery and witness some of the proceedings on the Assembly Floor.


Post-Lobby Day Meet and Greet:

From Juliet:

A small group of us gathered at Dr. Dean Given’s home on Thursday, April 4th, for a Meet and Greet with Assemblymember Monique Limon. We sat together and reviewed the three main bills from our lobbying day in Sacramento with the California Psychological Association and asked her about her current interests. She expressed particular interests in the areas of post-natal support and caring for homeless populations and related that local schools have been asking for more mental health support. Her District Director, Vianey Lopez, was with her and she took this photo of us (see below). We will do this again next year!

Dean’s Additional Comment:

“Monique mentioned that she authored a spot bill to give tax credits to teachers. She said that she knows full well this will never pass, but wants to use the bill to stimulate a conversation about supporting teachers - Monique having served on a local school board for six years. She also raised her surprise that many school board members approach her with their highest priority being increasing access to mental health services for students. I offered a link that the legislature can do something by eliminating the same-day service prohibition to encourage pediatricians to have a warm referral to a psychologist - improving access without expanding Medi-Cal.

Juliet closed by asking that we meet again next year, which Monique agreed she would love to do.”

Changing so there is more interactions between the various chapters accords the state.

Established a nice relationship with the Ventura LAN.

Thank you to Dean for offering his house and WInifred to helping out with the event.


LAN Report submitted by Juliet Rohde-Brown, LAN rep SBCPA




Social Committee Report

     Confirmed for upcoming event

     Follow up on cost - $50


Ethics Committee Report

     No report

Disaster Response Committee Report

     The Community Wellness Team received a special recognition and resolution on 3/19/19 from the SB County Board of Supervisors. Karen attended.

     Karen and Michele Drum from HOPE 805 collaborated again presenting to Heidi Zetzer’s Clinical Psychology grad students at UCSB on 4/9/19

     HOPE 805 phases out on 4/26/19, but the CWT will continue to meet every other month, or so

     Winifred Lender concluded her groups for parents at Cold Spring School, through the CWT and I heard great feedback, from CWT members, HOPE 805, Principal Amy Alzina, and ICTG! 

     We have heard there is less need at the moment for groups, but there continues to be an unmet need for individual therapy cases-- some with insurance and some without - please keep me up to date on the grant which Eric mentioned? With HOPE 805 phasing out, the local Salvation Army is being tasked with “case management” for those still needing care and services. From what we hear, this is not the best match for LT Disaster Recovery, but it is all that is available in our county. There is only 1 case manager to handle an entire load that was being managed by 18 HOPE 805 Crisis workers. This is Quinn Yowell, and she will be emailing me specific referrals which I agreed to forward to our list-serv.

     SBRN is offering a free PFA training this Saturday, April 13, from 9am-12 - email Karen if you are interested in attending, and I can send a registration link

     Lotusland initially contacted Karen and Megan soon after the 1/9 Debris Flow, with an interest in having us consult on their plans to create a Japanese Garden Space to promote community healing and wellness. Some members of the DRT were able to attend a few meetings with the Director last year (Megan, Carrie Towbes, Diana Sharpe, Laura Ciel and Betsy Bates Freed). The Director of Lotusland has hired a lead for the project who would like to consult with us further, and a meeting is being set up in early May for this exciting collaboration.

     Cottage Grand Round presenter being requested for May 8th from our organization - materials needed ASAP - I forwarded email to Winifred and Megan

Meeting Adjournment at 9:45AM

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