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Minutes June 2018

President: Betsy Bates Freed, PsyD

President Elect:  Cécile Lyons, PhD

Treasurer:  Eric Nelson, PhD

Secretary:  Christina Donaldson, PhD

LAN Representative: Dean Given, PhD

Student Representative: Scott Young

Past President: Laura Ciel, PsyD

SBCPA Board Meeting Agenda

June 7, 2018 8:30 – 9:45 AM

President Call to Order: President called meeting to order at 8:30 am.  Board members present: Dr. Betsy Bates freed, Dr.Eric Nelson, Dr. Christina Donaldson, Dr. Angela Vigna, Dr. Cecile Lyons, Dr. Meghan Donahue, Scott Young, Dr. Kimberly Taylor, and Dr. Sandra Kenny (via telephone).

Approval of Minutes 

     Kim Taylor motioned to approve minutes, Cecile Lyons second, all approved, none opposed.

President’s Report

     Brochure (wording complete; potential contractors located; need budget).

     This is beyond the SBCPA board members skill set.  We have figured out the wording but we need help with images and a beautiful design.  Betsy went online to find web designers in the county to get a vague idea of cost to design brochure.  If we’re happy with designer then maybe we could also have them look at the design portion of the web page.

     Estimates were about $200

     How do we pay for a brochure? The question of the budget that was allotted for the disaster response is still up in the air.  There was a donation provided of $800 (for business cards and banners, etc.).  Patricia made the banner and it is believed that that was donation as well since an invoice was not received. As of now, no money has been used.

     Kim Taylor stated that a separate line budget for advertising should be added.  Eric Nelson stated that we do have an advertising budget of $1500/yr and a $500 for emergency fund.  Disaster committee hasn’t submitted expenses yet, and since we have never had a Disaster Committee, it was the Chair of the Disaster Committee’s understanding that the funds would be for the committee budget for everything not just for emergencies, which is separate to what Kim is talking about.

     Request: Select designer and move forward with having a brochure designed and to use the money in the advertising budget. 

     Motion: Kim Taylor motioned to create a brochure with an outside designer cost not to exceed $500.  Eric Nelson 2nd motioned.  All approved, no opposed.

     Meeting schedule (no meeting in July).

     reconvene in August.  If there is any board business, Betsy will be in town.  If there are any major decisions to be made, Betsy will contact board members via email.

     CPA report -

     thank you to Eric Nelson and Hallie D’Agruma for their help. Report was submitted on time.

President-Elect’s Report

     Job Descriptions -

     Many thanks to Board members for getting in their job descriptions.  Hoping to have a proposed slate by September for next years Board members.  Also looking to membership to see who wants to be in a leadership role and to bring them in to be part of the future board

     Policy & Procedures

     Thank you Meghan for the templates.  Looking to develop this in the future.

     Looking at the role of secretary and to see if a committee is needed. Under CPA bylaws secretary doesn’t need to be in charge of listserv.  Yet, the secretary is a central figure of the board and the person in charge of the sending out emails needs to be present at meetings and aware of what is and is not appropriate to send out.  Needs more discussion, no motion at this time.

Past President’s Report

     No report

Treasurer’s Report

     CPA and 990n -

     Push back from CPA on our tax forms.  Apparently what the IRS said was ok for our forms was not and we needed to go back and contact IRS again.  We switched fiscal years.  They are supposed to do a half year tax year (to change that different fiscal year); however, they just gave us a whole other year (IRS cleared us for another year - which is technically not accurate).  We need to file every three years and we are on top of this.

     Budgets -

     We are at $19,000.  New fiscal year will be starting July 1, 2018.  This change of fiscal year will help so we are not bunched up in December/January..

Secretary’s Report

     List of local referrals - request from SBCPA member to make list public.

     A list is a great idea, but we need to be careful that we are not legally viable for anything/anyone on that list.  If there is a name on there then we need to know who recommended that individual.  Suggestion is to have a forum on the website and have a statement that it does not reflect SBCPA (need to discuss with James - web page).  Before launching it, James would show the board what our statement would say regarding SBCPA.  Do we need it monitored?  Is this something that the members really want?  The potential is that members could be misinterpreting the information (could bother members instead of help).  We as psychologists are held to a higher standard then we need to be careful as to whom we recommend, due to our license. We have a referral request already in place with the list serv that is informal. 

     Referrals within our own committee - we need a place on the website to show who is taking new patients and what insurance they are accepting.  Members are responsible for keeping their profile up to date (including what insurance they are accepting).

     Motion: On the website have an option in the profile stating if they are currently taking new patients (insurance and/or fee for service). Dean motioned and Scott seconded motion.  All approved, none opposed.

     Secretary will not be at next meeting in August (August 2nd) - Cecile Lyons agreed to take minutes (if she is in town) and if she is unavailable, Meghan Donahue volunteered to be a back-up.

Student Representative’s Report

     No report

     Use summer time to get the coffee talk going between students and members.

Continuing Education Committee’s Report

     Sandra joined via telephone.  Discussed recent salon at Dean’s house.  Not a lot of attendance, but a lot of enthusiasm.  Received a list of names that other people are interested in salons for summer since winter was slow due to disasters.

     Digital Ethics workshop Saturday 6/9 -

     36 people registered.  Cannot think of any more people to reach out to since we have exhausted all of our resources.  Not sure if it is the date, which is why the attendance is low.  We will provide lunch.

     How do we do payment if people are showing up at the door?  Eric to coordinate with Sandra.  Megan and Tina will help with registration.  Are we doing name tags? No.  But need certificates.

     Most likely we will lose money on this event.  Learned that we cannot have someone high-end speaker, it would be better to have a local person.

     Would members be willing to sponsor students?  Unsure if students are able to attend due to graduation and finals.  Sponsoring students would be informal.

Website Committee’s Report

     Need a policy regarding dissemination of outside CEs through web site and/or listserv.  Outside CE’s and other non SBCPA events including those for which we have been compensated and how to handle them vis a vie the website.  James proposes two possibilities: 1. Continue the policy for which only SBCPA events are posted to the website.  Outside CE’s are posted only to the listserv.  2. Add a webpage to the calendar section of the website tilted other CE’s and events where we post non SBCPA events but do not put them on our calendar.  They would continue to be sent out to listserv.  Both of these options are for those requests where we have received payment for posting.  We need a policy that also allows posting for our sister organization.  Using LAPA’s model that they post other CE’s not on the calendar.  No charge to sister chapters within CPA.

     Motion: We will advertise other CE events on our website (that we have received payment) as well as those events from our sister CPA chapters (that we will post free of charge).  Dean Given motioned, Kim Taylor 2nd, all approved, none opposed.


Media & Public Relations Committee Report

     Posted SBCPA-focused newspaper articles on website


Membership Committee Report

     Have had a few new members join SBCPA.

     Held a successful May networking breakfast at Jeannine’s.

     Mentor-protege matches have all been made.

Local Advocacy Network Committee Report

     Meet and greet Monique Limon.  Will try to do this summer.  Hope to have it at Betsy’s house.

Social Committee Report

     Finalized choices for social events, University Club secured, possible site for holiday party.

     Needs to know a rough head count (around 50-60 people), finalize food and beverage choices.  We will do traditional brunch without omelette station.

     Dr. August Vanderbik offered her home for Holiday Party. HAs concerns about parking.  People will need to carpool, Uber, etc.  SBCPA takes care of everything for clean up (have a cleaning budget).  SBCPA offers their gratitude for opening up her house to the Holiday party.  Angela will look into parking issues (look at Botanical Gardens for parking).

     Networking/social events with other mental health professional organizations to the agenda: Responses (about 30) for preferences: Lawn bowling and a mixer (happy hour) were top requests.  Painted cabernet along with school bus wine tour came in a 3rd.

Ethics Committee Report

     Nothing to report

Disaster Response Committee Report

     1) Two committee members presented at Cottage Mental Health Fair and our committee had a table representing SBCPA - had a great response.

     2) New FEMA maps due to be released 6/11

     3) Community Wellness Team continuing to meet once per month through summer. 

     4) We had a number of members volunteer for the Signs of Suicide screenings in the schools throughout the Spring- we heard that the student need was quite high, and a debriefing and feedback session is scheduled with Assistant Superintendent Fran Wageneck on June 18-

     If we are going to help, it is important to know the curriculum they are going to discuss.  They are doing this assessment next year. 

     5) Cottage Grand Round June 13- Betsy Bates Freed will present on behalf of SBCPA and the Disaster Response Team on Post-traumatic Growth.

     6) Will talk with Sandra about having Dr. GIl Reyes (or someone else) come in to do a PFA in fall (September/October)

Old Business

     Marketing Brochures/ Banner (update from Patricia Zadeh)

     CPA Chapter Finance and Membership Report Due June 1 2018

New Business

     Possible website design input (“About SBCPA”, Board pictures?)

     CPA fundraiser?

     Need to put New Business at the top for we don’t seem to give this enough attention when it is at the end of the agenda.     This is will go after approval of minutes.  Ask committee members how much time they need for their report.

     Using reports as reports (bullet reports) and put agenda items in old and new business.

Meeting Adjournment at 9:45AM

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