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Minutes December 2018

  • President: Betsy Bates Freed, PsyD
  • President Elect:  Cécile Lyons, PhD
  • Treasurer:  Eric Nelson, PhD
  • Secretary:  Christina Donaldson, PhD
  • LAN Representative: Dean Given, PhD
  • Student Representative: Scott Young
  • Past President: Laura Ciel, PsyD

SBCPA Board Meeting Agenda

December 6th, 2018

President Call to Order: Attendance - Eric Nelson, Laura Ciel, Betsy Bates-Freed, Winifred Lender, Scott Young, Angela Vigna, Hallie D’Agruma, Cecile Lyons, Kim Taylor, Christina Donaldson

Approval of Minutes 

     Approval of Nov. 1, 2018 - Dr. Kim Taylor motioned to approve minutes, Dr. Cecile Lyons seconded.  All approved, none opposed.

New Business

     Legacy awards. Deborah Schiller and Dean Janoff have volunteered to co-Chair this committee.  Haven’t had the legacy awards in a few years.  Dr. Betsy Bates Freed sent out a draft letter from Legacy Committee to the SBCPA board to review prior to sending the letter to the rest of membership.

     Nomination procedure; request for historic record of previous recipients. (Betsy Bates Freed reporting on behalf of Legacy Committee) - even if previous members have been legacy awards,

     Passed around sheet of paper for board members to write down past legacy awards.

     Have received three nominations.  Nominees do not need to be a part of SBCPA.

     Reminder will be sent out on the 12th of December and then votes would be tallied and awards will be announced at the Instillation dinner.

Old Business

     Brochure is stalled.  Committee to meet 12/6 following board meeting.

     Dr. Cecile Lyons passed around a template of policy and procedure example of what is needed for each position. 

     For example, we need a policy and procedure for who can be featured in Finding a Psychologist.  Gives a sense of the kind of things that need to be develop.

     Need to designate an individual on the board to be in charge of ensuring policy and procedure is update.  Putting this on hold until next year.  Dr. Kim Taylor suggested it should be the Ethics Chair. Dr. Cecile, Lyons suggested that it might be the President to be in charge since it has more to do with operational than ethics.

     List of things that still needed that could be dispersed to the committee next year.  Dr. Winifred Lender stated that this is important for the next committee coming in.

     Dr. Betsy Bates Freed stated that it would be hard for the president to take on and suggested that the president elect or past president.  Dr. Cecile Lyons suggested it be President elect since it would help familiarize the incoming president prior to their term.

     Table the discussion for the new Board.


President’s Report

     No report


President-Elect’s Report

     Insurance costs as related to meeting location -

     It is a significant percent of our budget.

     Have two types of insurances:

      We have director and officer insurance - protects the board for claims of lack of judiciary (if anything gets brought against us)  cost is $1500/year - it already has been renewed. 

     We are an incorporated body and even though we are under the umbrella of CPA, we need to have our own D&O insurance.  When were not incorporated in the past, we did not need this insurance, but since we are incorporated this type of insurance is required.

     General liability for premise - the cost ranges from approximately is 700-2000/year. This is to cover when we have our meetings in case there was an accident (ex. Slip and fall) during the meeting. This is an unresolved issue. 

     First quote was $2000/year.  Which is 13% of our operating budget.

     Investigated since we are moving locations and will only be meeting once a month for 90 min, the quote lowered to $691/year.

     Reached out to CPA to see how other chapters worked around this issue and it was suggested that we meet at other people’s homes or offices. 

     Board members do not need to be CPA members because we are incorporated and do not fall under their D&O insurance. This includes the Ethics Chair.

     Dr. Betsy Bates Freed suggested that we may not need general liability and suggested that a board member underwrites in their own policy to cover meeting under their own policy.

     To make things clear, it may be a responsibility of the President to underwrite the policy.  There needs to be policy and procedure in place for handling General Liability insurance needs.

     Question about CE events, or other institutions that we have general liability.  Scott Young posed that maybe we could get a temporary policy for the day that was needed.  Dr. Winifred Lender is to investigate temporary policies for events and Dr. Betsy Bates Freed is to follow up to see if she can underwrite our General Liability for our monthly meetings.

     CPA membership - if we are incorporated we do not need to be members of CPA.  It’s been a controversy in the past years. Dr. Kim Taylor would like the membership piece be in writing.  Dr. Taylor suggested that it is important for the Ethics Chair be a CPA member since this position does need to utilize CPA.  Dr. WInifred Lender, is to clarify.  Dr. Taylor suggested that if we require certain members to be CPA members, the SBCPA board cover costs.  Dr. Betsy Bates Freed suggested that cost could be more than what our budget can afford.

     Need to look at our personal bylaws.  Winifred will check our bylaws and clarify with CPA in writing.  Dr. Taylor looked at the bylaws and there is no requirement to be CPA members.

     Dr. Cecile Lyons suggested that we clarify if it is the Executive Board or the Board in general.  Do any of the insurances cover when we have holiday parties at someone’s house?

     No one needs it for holiday party since it was covered in homeowners insurance.  Also, if meeting is at a person’s house, it is covered under homeowners insurance.

     Timetable for 2019 meetings; date/location of January meeting

     January 10th - second Tuesday at a month.  Location is a Antioch, room is TBD.  Waiting to confirm the General Liability insurance question.

     Suggested using proper language when talking about the Executive Board or the Board in general in meetings, since certain members are able to vote.

Past President’s Report

     Election results - congrats to Executive Board Members: Winifred Lender (President), Megan Donahue (President-Elect), Betsy Bates Freed (Past President), Eric Nelson (treasurer), Christina Donaldson (secretary), Juliet Rhodes Brown (LAN), and Scott Young (student representative).

Treasurer’s Report

     Balance update - Balance in accounts $14,000

     Working on the transparency of the budget.

     Coordination w bookkeeper - there has been discrepancies as to what she puts into various accounts vs what the treasurer has put into accounts.  By next meeting Eric hopes to have line items per committee.

     In January 2019, need to follow up and ensure members have paid their invoice for membership.

Secretary’s Report

     Policy and procedure for posting of monthly workshop/meetings on website. 

     Coordinate with upcoming President and Website to work out Policy and Procedures.

     Dr. Hallie D’Agruma suggested posting a monthly email of requests, workshops, etc.  Dr. Christina Donaldson suggested sending out a monthly rollout to membership.  Dr. Winifred Lender suggested proceed as is until meeting is set.

Student Representative’s Report

     Coffee for graduate students featuring Dr. Hallie D’Agruma on how to start a practice, held 12/3/2018.

     Great attendance.  Range of attendees.

     Dr. Kimberly Taylor suggested posting a recap of Hallie’s presentation on the website.

     Future events.  Dr. Christina Donaldson to talk about walking through from graduation to licensure, Dr. Betsy Bates Freed on practice management, Dr. Kimberly Taylor to do a talk on general management information (I.e. renting an office), Dr. Cecile Lyons to do a presentation on money and Psychology (setting your fee, how to make money, etc.).  Dr. Betsy Bates Freed suggested that Dr. Cecile Lyons do her presentation as a CE event.

     Student Reps are they covered for CPA membership?  Dr. Kimberly Taylor stated that it was in the past, but his needs to be re-evaluated.  Cost is $40.  Dr. Winifred Lender to clarify this with CPA.

Continuing Education Committee’s Report

     Salons on family coping with behavior issues (Don MacMannis); divorce (Penny Clemons)

     Dr. MacMannis in his Salon reviewed sleep literature. Strong willed child website.

     Divorce CE - lots of cancellations.  Only 17 people showed up and 38 individuals registered.  Need to find a way to ensure that people cancel in time (keep a waitlist and clarify a 48 hour cancellation policy).  Have the handouts and references available to take home.

     Dr. Hallie D’Agruma is learning the procedures on how to approve the credits form CPA.  Utilize Dr. Karen Lehman as well as Dr. Ron Pilato since both have been past Chairs of the CE Committee.

     Scott Young suggested to record the CE event (audio) and post that on a website.  Send recorded file to James to post on webpage. 

     Dr. Hallie D’Agruma asked What is the criteria to be a good CE event?  Needs to be research evidence based.  Dr. Kimberly Taylor suggested to send out a note to members to see what they would like to have as salons.

     Send out a question to members what they would like for CE events.

     Progress on suicide prevention workshop? Dr. Winifred Lender provided an update.

     Lisa FIrestone stated that paring it with Suicide Prevention month (September).   Her group (Glendon Group) will do a lot of advertising around different events that they are doing related to it.  They could advertise our event if we went with them.

     Lisa stated that she will do this for $2000 for a 6 hour day long workshop. They would handle the CEU’s through their provider.

     Gina stated that they could get 50-70 people to come to the event.  She provided a cost per person and that will be discussed later next year.

     Encouraged Gina to talk with Antioch about using their location for CE event.  Antioch is willing to give us the place for free (but need to work out the liability issue) if they can co-sponsor event and have their name attached to the event.  Don’t want to pay a fee for location if at all possible.

     Fee structure: ranging $120-$150 depending on early bird and different features.  Dr. Kimberly Taylor  stated that most of time for 6 units the price is $196. 

     Drs Winifred Lender and Hallie D’Agruma to present to Gina what fees have been set in this town and think about the fee structure would look like.  Flat fee if we get x number of attendees. We set the fee.  Separate fee for those that need CE’s vs those that do not. 

     Dr. Betsy Bates Freed suggested looking into a local High School or Junior High School auditorium for a larger space so we can include teachers, and other local attendees.

Website Committee’s Report

     Better to pay yearly than monthly since we save money.

Media & Public Relations Committee Report

     News Press article on PTSD, 12/4/2018, featuring Drs Betsy Bates Freed, Karen Lehman, Paul Erickson (Posted on website/Facebook)

Membership Committee Report

     Ask James how to get information about who is a new member on website.

     Trying to determine if we are getting more members than last year.

     There is an automatic email being sent out to members


Local Advocacy Network Committee Report

     Preliminary planning for meet/greet with Rep. Monique Limon (Juliet Rhode-Brown)

Social Committee Report

     Holiday party details: transportation, heat lamps logistics, budget.

     Holiday party is set.  Need heaters.  Milpas rental $38/each/day plus propane tank.  They can deliver. Need them to set it up. 

     Bring lasagna earlier, around 4pm.  Have them delivered by restaurant.

     Installation brunch, 1/13, University Club - its all set.  Need to check on the time.  Send out invitations out next week. Angela to do a save the date for Installation Dinner for the holiday party.


Ethics Committee Report


Disaster Response Committee Report

     Karen Lehman has been attending Ongoing weekly meetings with Community Wellness Team (CWT)

     Karen attended attended a training last Friday 11/30/18 on Critical Incident Stress Management (CiSM) led by Suzanne Grimessey, which can be used for regular debriefings with 1st responders during active deployments

     Karen met with Brooke Sears last week, and Brooke is going to begin attending the weekly CWT meetings, as well. We plan to have a check-in meeting with the SBCPA DRC soon

     New county Debris Flow evacuation maps were released Monday - a number of changes in who falls into Mandatory evacuation zones. Please urge your clients who may reside in Montecito to stay up to date on these maps, and reassure them the frequent changes are not due to “disorganization”, but to the county actively assessing ever-changing conditions to provide the most up to date information

     SBCPA members responded the past few days with our local SBRN providing PFA at SBCC - a student on a motorcycle was accidentally killed when run over by a faculty member in a campus parking lot

     Karen has spoken with the local American Red Cross chair, Roberta Airncraft, who has agreed to set up a small training for any of our member who wish to become certified ARC Disaster Mental Health volunteers. This would enable us to volunteer inside the shelters, and to be deployed to any national emergencies

     There is still a need for ongoing LT therapy for those affected by disaster - in fact, since recent fires, and ongoing rains, anniversaries, the need is currently higher. The difficulty is connecting those in need with therapists - Betsy met with CWT co-chair Kate Weibe last week about this issue

     CWT was asked to provide support (DMH/PFA) by Ventura County the weekend immediately following the Borderline Shootings and Woolsey Fire.  A request for volunteers went out to our membership.

     CWT members are providing psychological support and resources at these upcoming community meetings - these are all informational meetings about the current situation related to debris flow risk

     December 5: Community Meeting in Carpinteria (5:30pm)  – Veterans Memorial Building, 941 Walnut

     December 10: Santa Barbara High School Parent Meeting (6-7 pm and staying at resources tables after as needed) (BW, Hospice, SBRN, HOPE 805 and Habitat for Humanity)

     December 10:  Spanish Community Meeting (Marvel to speak to CWT and others to be present as support, HOPE 805)

     December 12:  Community Meeting in Montecito (5:30pm) MUS, 385 San Ysidro Rd

Meeting Adjournment at 9:45AM

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