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Minutes April 2018

  • President: Betsy Bates Freed, PsyD
  • President Elect:  Cécile Lyons, PhD
  • Treasurer:  Eric Nelson, PhD
  • Secretary:  Christina Donaldson, PhD
  • LAN Representative: Dean Given, PhD
  • Student Representative: Scott Young
  • Past President: Laura Ciel, PsyD

SBCPA Board Meeting Agenda

April 5, 2018, 8:30 – 9:45 AM

President Call to Order: Meeting called to order at 8:30 am.  Present board members included Dr. Karen Lehman, Dr. Kim Taylor, Dr. Angela Vigna, Dr. Dean Given, Dr. Cecile Lyons, Dr. Betsy Bates Freed, Dr. Christina Donaldson, Dr. Sandra Kenny (via facetime)

Approval of Minutes: Dean Given motioned to approve minutes, Kim Taylor seconded.  Voted: All approved, zero opposed.

President’s Report

  • Deferred to Disaster Committee first since Karen Lehman had to leave early

  • CPA Leadership Conference

    • Dean Given will provide a more detailed report.

    • Able to talk with other chapter presidents, students, and members to promote our CE event.  In return we agreed to post their CE events.

  • SBCPA Canvas Banner (Patricia Zadeh is ordering this.)

  • Meeting with Lotusland - met with executive director to redo their Japanese garden to make it a more emotionally calming space.  Since we have no capacity to write grant we are providing a list of resources that we thought would be important to be stakeholders and to be approached about this (graduate programs, experts in meditation).  We have no active role, we helped provide them a list. They consider us a partner.

    • They were heavily damaged by the storm but the meeting was set up prior to storm.

President-Elect’s Report

  • Nothing to Report

Past President’s Report

  • No report

Treasurer’s Report

  • No report

Secretary’s Report

  • Question about outside advertising on the list server for member.  Need policy/procedure system in place. Go through the president, president elect, ethics chair, and media.  

  • Will draft a policy/procedure to vote on next meeting.

Student Representative’s Report

  • Nothing to report

Continuing Education Committee’s Report

  • Need to push June 9th event

  • Marriott in Goleta - $1100 for food and beverage.

  • Need to contact Ventura, SLO, and LA psychology presidents - does anyone have contact info?

  • Advertising - approved $1000, has a committee to help with advertising needs to be done ASAP (Psychotherapy Networker and CPA magazine)

  • Need to get to CAMFT - local outreach

  • Future CE Events - touch base on upcoming possible salon presenters (presenters need to be licensed for CE)

Website Committee’s Report

  • No report

Media & Public Relations Committee Report

  • No report

Membership Committee Report

  • Reached out to several groups to promote new memberships-Antioch, Pacifica, UCSB CCSP and Clinical Psych PhD programs and several specific individuals recommended to me and affiliated with the hospital and County.  Membership up to 150.

    • Our actual membership is not at 150 - Christina to email Hallie to ensure that new members are getting emails.

  • Held the first breakfast in March at Finch & Fork.  

  • Launched the mentor-protege match program and have made the matches.

Local Advocacy Network Committee Report

  • 2 Bills will be getting letters for to advocate

    • Increasing the amount of mental health professionals on campuses (state colleges and Jr. Colleges)

    • Eliminate the problem with same day billing with MediCal.

    • Scott Young connected Dean with Gigi SImms - UCSB grad student will have a fall gathering with students to help with advocacy

    • Goal to connect with assembly member Monique

  • CPA drafted a statement and it got approved to explore gun violence as a public health issue.

Social Committee Report -

  • University Club has been reserved for Sunday Brunch for the installment celebration.  Not sure yet if it will be Jan 13 or Jan 27. Have asked for clarification for cost if omelette bar is included.

    • $38 for breakfast brunch; $14 for omelette station - need clarification if its on its own of included

  • Unable to do holiday party at Dr. Mac’s family center due to the landlord having planned renovations during the month of December.  

    • Possibility we can have it at Angela’s house

    • Have not explored in the public areas such as Natural History Museum.  Cecile Lyons and Kim Taylor has a list of places to pass along.

    • Hope to keep cost down

  • Want to reach out to members to get recommendations for social events that they have enjoyed in the past and/or ideas about possible events that might be welcomed.  

    • Put out a survey to members what social events they would like to have from SBCPA.

    • How many events to have?  Usually have 4 basic events.

    • Mental health walk is coming up.

Ethics Committee Report

  • No report

Disaster Response Committee Report

  • Update: Disaster response team is still pretty busy - debris flow and community outreach is taking up bulk of time.

  • Still an active member of Community Wellness Team - still attending weekly meetings with other local communities.

  • Overview:

    • Been able to give direct information and input to the OBM on their messaging that goes out to the community when there have been evacuations.

    • No more evacuations are expected this rainy season.

    • National Organization, Burn Team, is meeting with county to get updated information to remap the risk zones, assessing long term and short term needs of the community (includes conditions that will allow residents to rebuild - release info by May 1st), and there will be a community meeting with their findings.

    • In Recovery Phase - 3-5 years; has subcommittees:

      • Community Wellness Team is one of those subcommittees (most organized and active subcommittees).

  • Updates from Community Wellness Team

    • FEMA grant approved - called CA HOPE 805 grant

      • 2 supervisors and 14 people providing resources to the community, onsite providing PFA and resources.

      • Karen Lehman presented on what SBCPA can do at their training.  

      • Created a brochure that had all the information with all the organizations (spanish, english, and digital versions)

      • SBCPA has a subcommittee that is prepared to offer groups on resiliency and recovery groups as needed.

        • Betsy asked about our SBCPA members that wanted a weekly meeting - we should offer an informal group to our members.  Karen to send an email to the committee to find a facilitator.

      • More immediate needs are shorter term housing needs - people are displaced and undocumented people who are living on Montecito properties.  Big push of outreach to them as well as stigma around mental health across SES groups. Information can be accessed on the Montecito Recovery Center.

    • Grant from Jewish Family Services and their coordinator Ruth Stienberg have a grant from United Way  -$500 emergency grant and require no documentation (addresses or names).

    • Will set up google group as a way to coordinate information - Christina to set up google group.

    • Getting together a document/manual/book on what the process is like - CA 805 grant covers research and documentation.  Contacting UCSB to see if they want to be a part of it.

    • Fundraiser concert 4/21 - We will have a table there from 3-5pm

    • Present at Cottage Mental Health Fair- goal is to have a SBCPA brochure

  • PFA Training with Gil Reyes and SBRN - no date is set yet.  

  • Idea of a Healing Through Story Event for future

  • SB Hospice reports they have double their amount of intakes - still have a counselor once a week at Cleveland School and Cold Springs school

  • Cottage has started an intensive weekly program on healing and recovery - research grants available to collect data.

  • Updating Debris Flow Provider List, google survey (also who has been providing services) - want to be able to pass out to the community those that are still offering free as well as those on insurance panels (for long term needs).

    • Who has been asked to provide help as well as who has provided help

  • SOS Interventions

    • SB Junior and High School have been needing volunteers.

    • Members have been signing up

  • Cottage Ground rounds presentation - Brooke Sears and Karen Lehman are presenting.

  • Send updates to board members


Upcoming CE Digital Ethics Workshop - covered under CE Portion of minutes

Location: Marriott Goleta - Booked

Publicity among neighboring chapters (Ventura/SLO)

Email list of regional psychologists

Outreach to LACPA? Local MFT/LCSW organizations?

Job Descriptions -

  • Cecile Lyons handed out a worksheet for board members to write about their job description.  Adding policy and procedures when needed. Last sheet is instructions on how to access their own job.  

Policies and Procedures

  • Will discuss next week.


Thank you notes:

  • Betsy  sent re donations to Installation Dinner raffle


CPA Initiative on Gun Violence as a Public Health Issue

Fundraiser for Mudslide

Meeting Adjournment at 9:45AM

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